>don't anyone care. Ranma thought as he went upstairs. In his room P-chan was lost, he had wandered in and couldn't get out. Ranma ignored him. Ranma sat there for quite a while just thinking. They are pushing me in a corner I can't get out of with any honor.

[SD-Justy]: " Help... I'm in a corner, I've lost my honor and I can't get up! "

>So as far as I'm concerned whatever happens is their fault. I can't stay on strike forever. It's not working, no matter how messy it gets no one does a thing. If it doesn't get clean soon the Health Dept. will show and that kind of trouble we don't need.

{SD-Frank}: Or DCFS or whatever they might have for Child Abuse in Japan..hmm.."Dojo Family Living in Squalor".."
[SD-Justy]: "Hey this fic is loaded with Springer fodder. "

> I guess I have no choice but to be the one to inherit. I just hope no one takes it to hard. Here goes. Ranma stood up and went into the closet and got his box out and got the hair clasp. Ryoga stopped searching for the exit and watched as Ranma untied his hair and let it grow a few inches and then used the whisker to tie it in a ponytail.

[SD-Justy]: "Note, reader, the Hair Growth is Ranma's OTHER curse. It was later cured by Ranma chugging down a bottle of Nair."

>Then Ranma went to the mirror and looked in it and heaved a sigh. He then carefully put the hair clasp in his hair. While Ryoga could see no real change other than the fact that Ranma now had a feminine hair style. Ranma could FEEL the change that had taken place and if Ryoga could have seen Ranma's face he would have seen something was different immediately.

{SD-Frank}: "This is kinda like Jekyll and Hyde..."
[SD-Justy]: "...or maybe Dr. Heckyll and Mr. Jive. "

>It was like everything was suddenly muted. He looked at Ryoga and only felt peace. Usually he felt a myraid of emotions most negative but now he could only feel positive. It was as though he had put on the pervebial "rose colored glasses".

{SD-Frank}: "Like Elton John? Cool!"
[SD-Justy]: " Why is it always rose?... why not carnation or dandelion.
{SD-Frank}: "It's probably not PC to have funky glasses that _aren't_ rose colored...^_-"

>He looked around the house next and immediately started cleaning enjoying everything he was doing Ryoga followed him around as Ranma sang, hummed and happily cleaned.

[SD-Justy *singing*]: "... a spoonful of sugar... "

>Finally he could stand it no longer, no one was home since it stank so bad so while they were in the kitchen he got hot water. Ranma said"Oh my Ryoga you shouldn't do that sort of thing it's not gentlemanly."

{SD-Frank}: O_o
[SD-Justy *whispering*]: " P-chan jumped up and turned the faucet on. You'd think though that Ryoga would be used to things smelling bad, since he himself often travels for days with nary a shower in sight."

>as he wrapped a towel around Ryoga's waist. "Ranma what is wrong with you you are acting like Kasumi."
Ranma smiled "Of course silly I have inherited her position."
"What are you talking about?"
"Why as Mother and housewife of this family," Ryoga's mouth dropped open, "Why Ryoga just a while ago you yourself berated me for not taking on my responsibilities. Well now I have. Since neither Tendo sister was willing to take the job I was given no choice but to take the mantle given to me by Kasumi herself."
"This has something to do with that hairclasp don't it. Take it off now."

{SD-Frank}: "If someone yells "Take it ALL off", I'm gonna hurt them..."
[SD-Justy *simultaneously*]: "Take it ALL off!!!" *looks to Frank* "Jujube?"
{SD-Frank}: "Hmph." *pops the Jujube into his mouth*

>"Why I can't do that I have to wear this hairclasp, I have no choice anymore. See no one wants this job but someone has to do it and everyone elected me. It's not my fault really, I did try to avoid it but I couldn't avoid it forever. Think of it this way, not only did you lose a sparring partner but you also lost a rival for Akane's affections. I'm afraid I just can't love her while I'm like this.

[SD-Justy]: "She's gonna want ya Ryoga!"

>That should make you happy hmm?" Ryoga just stared at the "new" Ranma in disbelief. Ranma looked at him with sympathy. Ranma knew it would take time for him to get used to it, it would take time for everyone. Meanwhile, "Ryoga, Would you like some tea?"

[SD-Justy]: " Ack.. Ranma's a Stepford Wife! "
{SD-Frank}: "I thought Ryouga didn't drink tea..he seems high strung enough to down coffee.."

>Before everyone came home not only was the house clean but Ranma had splashed cold water on himself and was now a herself. She also found an old dress that came to her ankles

[SD-Justy]: "Ahh... my imaginations tired... gimme da skin..

>and put it on suddenly feeling more comfortable. Ranma thought about her situation and new perceptions as she sat in front of Ryoga as he ate. For one thing her mind was completely orderly. It was easier to think.

{SD-Frank}: "It's a wonder she's thinking at all...if I had to go through what Ranma was going through, I think I'd go insane...."

>Answers were easier to find. She felt no anger no hate.

[SD-Justy]: " That's the prozac poster child we all love. "
{SD-Frank}: "All was Peaceful. The Meaning of Life was Clear. World Peace was Acheived.......well, maybe not that last one.."

>It was rather pleasant this way. No wonder Kasumi always acted as though nothing mattered. It really didn't matter to her. Now Ranma understood how useless it was to worry when she knew she couldn't do anything to affect the outcome. It was just better to sit tight and wait and do the things she could affect and trust that the others knew how to help. She also suddenly knew why the hairclasp was hard to take off, who would want to give up peace?

{SD-Frank}: "And quiet. You can't have peace without quiet.."
[SD-Justy]: "Just like sick and tired."

>Everyone came home to a shock. Genma ranted and raved threatened and told Ranma to change back.

{SD-Frank}: "Betcha Soun cries..."
[SD-Justy]: "No fair... I don't wanna..."

>Soun cried.

{SD-Frank}: "Told ya...^_^"
[SD-Justy]: "That wasn't fair!"

>And Akane glowed with battle aura.

[SD-Justy]: "Hmm... no color noted... can't tell the winner."

>Ranma knew this would happen and had called Kasumi before hand. She just arrived as Akane's mallet was about to connect with Ranma's head. Kasumi caught it just before it hit. Ranma had remained calm the entire time and smiled. Before the night was over everyone understood everything including that it was their fault really, of course they didn't accept that that was the end of it. Genma and Soun immediately started plotting new plans to keep Akane and Ranma together. Kasumi just shook her head as did Ranma they knew that it would not work.

{SD-Frank}: "Hey, I just noticed something...their aren't any commas in this thing..are there?"
[SD-Justy]: "Commas is expensive these days... "

>What was done, was done.

{SD-Frank}: "Hmm..there's one.."

>Ranma and Kasumi chatted for a while before she left. During that time Ranma found out that even if she removed the hairclasp that it had already made itself apart of her personality that is why Kasumi is still the same sweet girl. So even if it was removed now Ranma would forever have the heart and soul of a mother and homemaker. The only difference would be she would return to having negative emotions such as anger.

{SD-Frank}: "And thus a legend is born...or at the very least, plausible reason to have Onna-Ranma falling for Ryouga or something..^_^"

>Chapter 3

>It was time to go to school and Ranma did it cheerfully in girl form. Akane was embaressed. But Ranma figured that she would get over it. They entered the school yard when Kuno appeared."Pigtailed goddess" and lunged for her. He stopped to the amazement of all when she just said in a solid voice. "No Kuno."
"What is wrong my sweet? Has that foul sorcerer Saotome done something to you?"

{SD-Frank}: "If Kunou pulls out the hand puppets again, I'm gonna die..."
[SD-Justy]: "I liked the hand puppets. "
{SD-Frank}: "Yeah, but if I died laughing, I couldn't finish doing this fic..^_^"

>"No Kuno and I want you to listen to me and actually hear my words for once. Can you do that?"
"Of course beloved..."
"O.K. First my name IS Ranma Saotome, Don't interrupt, Second I am under a curse hot water I'm a man, cold a woman. So male and female Ranma is one and the same. I've tried to explain this before.

{SD-Frank}: "Suuuuuuure you did, just like you had Nabiki try to "explain" that you're of one mind and one body..."

>Third I Do not ever Ever want to date you in any way shape or form so leave me alone. Do you understand?"

{SD-Frank}: "Ooh, a right blow and a good hard kick to Kunou's heart..the heart's wobbling...wobbling.."

>"Yes" Then he fainted.

{SD-Frank}: "And he's down...1...2....3...4...5-6-7-8-9..10! Yer out! The winnah and still champeen...Ranma the Rejector!!!"

>He didn't attend school for several weeks after that. Siting the loss of a loved one for reason and seeing as how his father was principal he got away with it.

[SD-Justy]: "Riiiight... what they didn't mention was that Kuno was off getting high in a opium den. "

>Of course Ucchan was quite upset as was everyone else. It seemed that everyone thought there had to be a way out of this fiasco. Shampoo and her great-grandmother believed that the answer lay in herbs and drugs in general.

[SD-Justy]: " Remember kids, drugs are bad... so just say no. "

>Akane believed that if she yelled and hit Ranma he would snap out of it. Ucchan believed that love and understanding would save the day. Kodachi was told by her brother to give it up that her Ranma-sama was gone forever.

[SD-Justy]: " And Kodachi believed him???? "

>The only ones happy about what was going on was Mousse and Ryoga and even Ryoga was nervous about it. Happosai didn't know yet but everyone guessed that he would most likely be happy about it.

{SD-Frank}: "Happi's always happy it seems.."
[SD-Justy]: " Thus, the name. "

>Over time Ranma discovered at least two negative emotions left to her: sadness and pity. She realized pity when she saw that even though she was no longer available, Akane still would not look at Ryoga. Ranma felt bad for Ryoga. She realized sadness as she watched the American T.V. show ER, on the show a child died, and Ranma cried.

[SD-Justy]: " I would too, If I had to watch ER... just wrench your heart out with your own hands - its easier."
{SD-Frank} *Tarou mode* "Fem-boy, you sissy!"

>Ryoga was down in the dumps. Akane still wouldn't consider him anything but a friend. So just as he always does in these situations he stood up and started walking not caring where he ended up. Unfortunetly the only place he ended up was in the kitchen with Ranma. Ranma quietly poured him some tea and put a plate of cookies in front of him.

{SD-Frank}: "Nothing like drowning your sorrows in tea and downing some of the hard stuff - cookies - to ease the pain in your heart..."
[SD-Justy]: " Wow... that was deep. "

To "Would you like some Tea" - SDGP version, pt. 3
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